Quantum jumping: delusional or delightful?

. 2 min read

What's the deal with quantum jumping, eh? Is it a fruit? Is it a vegetable? Is it an MCU gimmick?

(It's a fruit.)

I did some research, according to which quantum jumping is not only a real physics phenomenon of electrons acting haywire, but also a manifestation technique that fills hundreds and hundreds of pages on Reddit. I can come back to the electrons-going-berserk aspect once I reach that level in my physics studies, but for now, let's talk about the manifestation thing.

Apparently, there are an infinite number of parallel universes where you exist and where your life looks a tad different from the one you live. If you can dream up a life for yourself, it already exists somewhere in the set of parallel universes - it has to, since there are an infinite number of them, and it would make no sense for all of them to be identical. Therefore, what the technique suggests, is that you can jump from this universe to another, much like the electron jumps from one state to another.

A part of me likes the electron parable, because I love the movie Tenet, and in Tenet, it's speculated that all electrons and positrons are the same particle moving back and forth in time.

A part of me thinks the whole "jumping" is nonsense - that you can't suddenly move to a "place" where you have a different past.

However, I do think it's possible to alter your timeline in the present, as in changing the course of where your choices are currently taking you.

After all, every time you make a new decision, change your habitual thinking, feel different, or take new action, you're not letting your past dictate your future, but changing it consciously. (I'm currently reading about this in Joe Dispenza's You Are the Placebo.)

Considering that as time passes, your memories begin to resemble simple thoughts instead of instances that happened in reality, here's how I would to the thing that I think is possible to do:

  1. Go into a state of meditation. Visualize and feel the sensations of that parallel life. You can even stand up and walk in that new mental place, as that parallel you (just be careful if you have your eyes closed).
  2. Rehearse a particular scene in that parallel life where you are the parallel you.
  3. Feel grateful of the experience.

If you feel the emotions you conjure up during this meditation strongly enough, your mind won't be able to distinguish this experience from any of your other memories. Your brain will think it actually happened, and you can feel happy and grateful that it did.

Once you get a taste of an uplifting experience, you'll want more.

And this desire for more of the same is what will drive you to change your life in this reality, in this universe.

RK out.

P.S. I should watch Tenet again asap.