Feel colorful | Random Quote Analysis #5

. 1 min read

Alright, we're back with Random Quote Analysis! For episode 5, I went on InspiroBot and the bot generated a random quote for me. This time it formed the following on the screen:

Feel colorful.

This just doesn't mean anything, does it? Feel colorful? What madness is this? I guess I have to try at least.

To feel is a term that can be iterpreted in many ways. Is it physical feeling? Emotional feeling? Intuitive feeling? Ethical feeling? And colorful - as in the different wavelengths of visible light spectrum, or as a more metaphorical meaning, like for example fifty shades of grey red standing for a passionate and blue for a sad mental state?

The quote could mean all and any of the following:

  1. You should use your senses to notice different wavelengths of light in your physical body.
  2. You should use your mind to notice the different states of your psyche.
  3. You should use your senses to notice the different states in your psyche.
  4. You should use your mind to notice the different wavelengths of light in your physical body.
  5. You should use your gut feeling to notice the wavelengths of light in your body.
  6. You should use your gut feeling to notice the states in your psyche.


  1. You should not be black-and-white / grayish physically.
  2. You should not be black-and-white / grayish mentally.

The most prevalent spirit of the times seems to suggest option number 8 - that you should be colorful in spirit, in your love of life, and in your daily life so that life becomes meaningful and full of, well, life. You should travel the world if you like, eat dessert first if you like, make new friends and open you heart to new experiences. Do something new every day. Wear bright-colored clothes. Smile to strangers. All that jazz.

Or, it could mean option number 4 - close your eyes and use your mind's eye to see the different colors of your body. Who knows?


Quote generated and picture captured from InspiroBot.