Random thoughts to fill my head while I wait for time to slug on

. 2 min read

On the one hand, two weeks is no time at all. You could stand on your head for two weeks if you wanted to.

On the other hand, time seems to be slowing down. I know that having tons of stuff going on would speed it up, but I dare not take on any more work.

I went to my go-to Lego seller yesterday and saw the pile of Home Alone sets they had there. My partner suggested I buy one right away, before they sell out (which is what happened to the Elf Club House Lego set I had been planning to purchase for the holidays). And I, typically, said that it was too early. We'll see if fate will sell me down the river on this one.

However, one thing I'm not stressing out about at all is Swedish green cake, which I'm only allowed to eat in December. Last year, I went to great lengths to ensure I had one the minute November turned into December. This year, I'll buy one if and only if the grocery store where I'll go stacking up the pantry on November 30th has one. If they don't have it then, I'll just get it later. I'm not going to drive around all day looking for it.

Gifts? Some of them I've already procured as a fun after work activity in November. The books I ordered online and feared would not arrive on time should get shipped any day now. Loads more still to get, even more to gift wrap, which is another fun activity I'm really looking forward to. (Telepathic message to the stranger sitting a few yards away from me: Christmas isn't some consumerist fuck-fest, it's about peace, family, and showering your loved ones with thoughtful and fun surprises.)

I'm also in the process of acquiring ingredients to my favorite cocktail, the Last Word. (I felt incredibly proud of myself, having taken a special liking to this particular beverage, when I learned that it was born in the Prohibition Era.) I already have gin and green chartreuse, and I have a lead on maraschino liquor, after which all I'll need is fresh lime juice. Shouldn't be a problem, at least time-wise, since I can't drink alcohol until December, which is yet another one of my November rules.

Finally: I'm actually starting to like the novel I'm working on. There are no needless words or description. Every event included is important. The characters have begun to have depth. I still hate all of them, though.

RK signing out.

P.S. Darn it! All these thoughts, yet it's still Monday. When will all this time pass?!