Reasons to go crazy just before a Caribbean trip (and a practical how-to)

. 1 min read

I'm one of those people who feel icky if they haven't coordinated all the leather in their outfits.

It's a silly thing, really. But I must have my belt, shoes, and bag the same color. It's either all black leather or all light brown leather or all dark brown leather. No mix-match. It has to be the same shade throughout.

But things happen and the zipper in your only light brown laptop bag breaks and it didn't function as a beach bag anyway, so what do you do?

  1. You buy a new light brown bag, one big enough to work as a beach bag yet small enough to fit into airline hand luggage regulations.
  2. You make your own light brown bag to optimal measurements and to ensure you go crazy just before a Caribbean trip.

What happens with option 2 is that your stress levels soar just before the trip, which in turn makes it easier to relax in planes and in foreign cities and countries. (It's paradoxical, but it works, don't ask me how.)

Option 2 also increases your odds of making all kinds of extra leatherware of the excess pieces of leather left over from the main beach bag. (I made a purse for banknotes, a laptop cover, and an evening clutch. I also upgraded my beach sandals to match everything else.)

Is it more convenient than option 1? Definitely not.

But it's fun to remind yourself of your competence every now and then.