Stop Saying Things That Make You Weak: Level 2

. 1 min read

I remember when I first heard Jordan Peterson's voice. I was in the car, listening to a lecture of his on the stereo via the flash drive where the audio was saved. I didn't recognize his voice back then, but I did think he had an interesting voice.

He was talking about his experiment of stopping saying things that made him weak, and how it had forced him to stop talking altogether, because a voice in his head told him that he didn't really believe what he was saying, or that what he was saying was actually stolen from someone else.

This experiment might be the very reason he sounds so original and intellectual today. He uses his words precisely and accurately and carefully. That's what makes such an impression.

I'd like to take this a step further and suggest that you not only stop saying things that make you weak, but also stop saying redundant things altogether. Most sounds that come out of your mouth are unnecessary or plain garbage. Shut up most of the time. When someone asks you something, choose your answer (if you decide to give one) carefully. Think about the impression you want to give with your words. They are an extension of who you are.

Stop making random noises. Don't point out obvious things. Don't share your dreams and whimsical thoughts. They're only of worth to you, not anyone else.

Make every word count, and see what happens.