Stranger Things only just got interesting

. 1 min read

The TV series I've been watching this month is Stranger Things. And I have to be honest: I haven't been very impressed. The story is all over the place. Some of the actors have punchable faces (none of the main four boys, though). I find myself actively disliking some of the characters (mainly those that have punchable faces). Furthermore, I don't care if the monster gets the characters or not.

But in season 1 episode 5, the concept of the other side, of the "upside down", is introduced.

And it's great. Not because of what they think it is, but because of what they don't know what it is: a metaphor for the shadow as explained by Carl Jung.

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) (sorry) is to find the portal that allows you to access your shadow side... and integrate it, so it can't hurt you.