The art of working 11-hour days

. 2 min read

Recently I was wondering how on Earth there can be so few hours in the day. This was surprising, mainly because I've never thought this way before. I've always been one of those people who think it's your responsibility to organize your day so that you get enough stuff done, and not the world's responsibility to produce more hours for you. Because you wouldn't get any more done if it did. You'd just relax or spend the extra hours doing something mindless like everyone else.

So, in a way, I wasn't wondering how there could be so few hours - I was wondering how come I was no longer able to get my tasks done. I was falling behind on WIP videos. I couldn't find time for my other projects. So what the hell!

Of course, the personal development guru that I am (sarcasm), I had to fix the problem that essentially was with my laziness. So I decided to wake up earlier (5.30 am) and go to the office earlier so I could get everything done - before 6 pm.

I planned my day ahead, making a list of all the things I needed to do in order to get back on track and on schedule with my projects and WIP and everything.

I decided to eat the largest and ugliest frog first, then the second ugliest, and so on, until the only thing left was my day job - which I had to do even if I was tired because of a contract I'd signed.

Then - and this is most important, remember this - I decided to reward myself if I could complete the entire list. My desired reward, as voiced by my daemon/gut/intuition, was watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and eating beef burgers and bacon and aioli.

And guess what? All of this somehow worked. I finished everything I set out to finish. I got my reward. The food was a disaster (aioli didn't thicken, the burgers were raw etc), but the system worked.

What's more, I learned a lesson about cooking (don't wrap your burgers in bacon. Bake the bacon separately, and fry the burgers on a skillet).


P.S. It didn't feel like an 11-hour work day because time went by flying. But according to my clock, it really was 11 hours.