The positive side effect of magazines

. 2 min read

Generally speaking, I don't read the news, printed or online. I dislike newspapers, tabloids, scandal publications - all alike. I think they're full of pseudo news that can only distract me from better and more productive activities. But there's one exception: high quality, thick monthly magazines, and particularly Boat International.

Boat International the publication is a relatively new hobby of mine, but the interest springs deeper: I used to sail when I was a kid and I'd like to own my own boat one day. I'm even planning on renting a boat sometime during the upcoming summer. That is why of all the magazines out there, my pick are the sailing ones, and this particular one I've found to be the highest quality.

But here's the thing: I don't buy the magazine to read the articles, nor to have them as decorations that somehow prove I'm better than the guest that might passingly glance at my stack of Boat Internationals. I buy the magazines to look at the pictures; to see what I could be able to afford if I ever make a lot of money.

The visual image of the publication is truly aesthetic, and I think we can agree that pictures and sceneries and other visual inputs are the ones that makes us most excited and motivated. So, by looking at the pictures of beautiful, long yachts, I'm priming my subconscious to think that it needs to get one; that I need to accumulate thought processes and behavioral patterns that one day lead to me buying a yacht.

My subconscious will interpret the act of me showing it the image as me showing it the future. And automatically, I hope, it'll start to adjust to that future.

I'm not suggesting you get yourself Boat International specifically - I'm suggesting you get yourself a high quality, a bit more expensive magazine that has aesthetic images that feed your subconscious a picture of an ideal future. Personally, I like looking at boats. For you, it could be houses or fashion or economics or whatever rocks your boat.

Go to the bookstore and look for magazine. Buy one that you find most visually pleasing. Show your subconscious what you want to achieve. Let it steer your thoughts and behavior in the right direction.