They say that a hero can save us

. 1 min read

On my way home from work - and when I say work, I mean the cafe where I go to sit down and work - I listened to some music on the car stereo. It's a nice way to pump myself up after a productive work session. I didn't like the first song that was on, so I skipped it, and then I skipped the next one, and the next one. Until Hero came on.

And when I say Hero, I mean the kick-ass Nickelback / Josey Scott collab that rocked the Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man.

Ahhhh, it's so good. The song, I mean. It's so good it makes me think the movie was good, too. I don't actually remember though.

I'm so high, I can hear heaven. But heaven don't hear me.

Do I need to say more? Okay I'll say more.

Now that the world isn't ending, it's love that I'm sending to you. It isn't the love of a hero, that's why I fear it won't do.


They say that a hero can save us, I'm not gonna stand here and wait.

I mean how awesome is that?

It's so full of life and taking responsibility and creating your own reality. Not waiting for external events to dictate your life. You go and take what you want.

By taking control of your own life, you become the hero. And when you're the hero, the love that you send will do.


P.S. I don't care if Nickelback makes bad music nowadays. I don't care. I care that they made awesome music back in the day.

Photo by Zach Lezniewicz on Unsplash