Time flies with packed days

. 1 min read

It's November 10th and I feel like I'm way ahead of schedule, work-wise. All the smaller projects seem to have completed themselves, one year-long project just got finished, and according to my calculations, I can manage this fall's main large project in 11 days if I have to.

Anyway, November is moving along smoothly. In the summer, when there's nothing to live for and the fall seems an eternity away, one month feels like a million years. Now I have plenty of stuff to do, no subconscious need to save work for later (except that one damn thing I should be doing already), I'm exercising and eating in a disciplined manner, and the weather is so amazing - dark, rainy, cold -  that my heart bursts with joy.

Thus, my days are packed, and that's what makes time fly. I mean, it's already the 10th. One third of the month is already gone. About 33 percent. That's not nothing. That's definitely something.

December is coming!