What fantasy style is and why it matters

. 2 min read

First, a disclaimer: I heard the term "fantasy style", didn't know what it meant, did some research, and still don't know what it means. I think it could mean a number of things, from wearing LOTR style elvish gowns to dressing up as your idol. It's difficult to say.

So here's my own definition: it's the clothing style you feel drawn to and would like to wear every day, but don't dare to, for whatever reason, be it social convenience or your self-perception. Assassin's Creed style capes? CEO suits? Victorian corsets? You get the gist.

Perhaps you were born in the wrong era, or the wrong realm, and dressing in the way that feels right in your soul will get you weird stares in public. If this is the case, you have two options:

  1. Own it. Ignore the stares, or better: smile at the starers and even greet them. Clothes are clothes. Most countries nowadays can't tell you what to wear or jail you for wearing the wrong thing.
  2. Tone down the style. For example, wear a minimalist, modern cape (those are a thing) or a piece of elvish jewelry.  

Either way, you don't need to starve your soul of what it wants, even in public; and at home, wear the whole nine yards.

Now, the second option: if your fantasy style is completely acceptable to wear in public today, but you can't bring yourself to wear it because you think you're not someone who would pull it off:

  1. Bad news! The problem is in your head, so the struggle will be far greater than with the wrong era/realm issue.
  2. Good news! The problem is in your head, so it's completely solvable with effort and some brain rewiring.

To rewire your subconscious beliefs about your inability to be the kind of person who wears the fantasy style, I recommend doing the meditation Joe Dispenza describes in his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. It's not a quick fix; it will wipe out your old self and replace it with a new one that feels comfortable in the fantasy style - which, in fact, will no longer be your fantasy style, but your everyday style.

Anyway, to answer the question of why all this matters: it might not. Perhaps you don't have a fantasy style, or you don't care about clothing, or what you wear has little effect of how you live or how you feel about yourself, your worth, and your ability.

But if you do dream about a new identity, or about having the balls to do whatever you want, dressing up in your fantasy style is a nice way to support it.

RK out.