What I look forward to in autumn

. 2 min read

Beware: this will be one of those posts that create no value to anyone. It's just for me to look back in a few years' time and see what I was thinking and feeling at the time. Who knows, perhaps in 2026 I'll have new priorities and projects and aspects and views and things and find past life snippets like this interesting.  

Therefore: it's August 2024. I'm at my office. It's raining outside. I'm having a cup of coffee, writing this post, and looking forward to autumn.  

August is a magical time in its own right, because it's still summer, but the clues of autumn are in the air. It's too early to wait for Christmas, but it's just the perfect time to wait for autumn. It's the perfect time to plan projects for those three months before December. It's the perfect time to list the things you look forward to in autumn, so that when it comes, you'll be ready and it won't pass you by too quickly.

For example, here are some things that I shall enjoy this fall:

Spirit of the Autumn God ASMR Ambience video by Miracle Forest. This YouTuber has the BEST ambience videos, and this one in particular is so good that I play it in the background almost daily when working during the autumn months. Just thinking about the sound design makes me feel inspired, energized... even butterflies in my stomach.

Orange colored foods, like oven roasted butternut squash (and kabocha, if I can find it). I know I said that I can't eat vegetables because they're too delicious and I'll overeat, but in the fall, I don't care. Especially if I can get my hands on some kabocha squash. Also chantarelles. And pumpkin spice coffee.

Turning leaves. Who doesn't love the colors?

Autumnal activities with our dog, like walks in the park in matching rain coats, drinking a seasonal coffee beverage and watching him chase after falling tree leaves and jump into puddles.

Going to the opera with my sister. We're going to see Phantom of the Opera, and although some might argue that it's not a real opera, I don't care. (Also, my sister is the BEST company to go to the opera or the ballet with - she agrees to all my crazy ideas about outfits and interval refreshments.)

Christmas prepping. My husband and I begin stocking up on Christmas chocolates when they first appear in stores, and I can't wait to see the selection available this year (probably not until October, though). Also listing gift ideas, collecting recipes, picking an advent calendar, choosing a theme for decorations...

Wearing coats! I'm a coat person. That might be a weird statement. What I mean is that I find the act of dressing much harder in the summer, when you can't wear a tree-piece uniform of pants and a knit and a coat. I can't wait to make this whole thing easier by filling my closet with three things: pants, knits, and coats. Those are all I need in the fall. (And ankle boots, and leather bags, and perhaps a chunky scarf...)

The cool weather. Not only because I get to wear coats, but also because a chilly breeze makes me feel so alive. If you want to take this a step further, I warmly recommend swimming in lakes in the fall when it's raining.

So there you go, 2026 me - what I look forward to in my 2024 autumn.

RK out.