What if you're dead already?

. 1 min read

Every once in a while, something surprising happens - something that you might consider a near-death incident, but you won't, because you never found out how close a catastrophe was because you don't have all the data and to your ignorant eye it seemed like something small that just happened without consequences.

Like today, when a golf ball sized rock almost hit out windshield on the motorway.

There was a loud pop. It sounded like a balloon bursting. I didn't see what it was, but my partner said he had a fraction of a second to recognize the rock and see it fly by. Apparently, it hit the side window without leaving much of a mark and vanished somewhere behind us (to wreak havoc on the lives in the car behind us, no doubt).

Events like these get me thinking: what if the rock did actually hit the windshield, smash it into pieces, and cause our car to spin out of control and into the ditch, killing us instantly?

How do I know that didn't happen?

Sure, I'm here writing this post. But maybe this is the afterlife. Maybe we did die - or some version of us did - and now, we're in another universe, continuing our days like nothing happened, while our families in that first universe mourn our passing.

I find this intriguing. If this is the afterlife, can we still die? If not, can we take seemingly ridiculous risks without any real risk?

Is there any proof that this particular incident is the one that killed us, and not one that took place already years before? Maybe we didn't die this time because we already did that years ago and are now immortal in the afterlife?

Obviously I'm not going to test this theory by jumping off an airplane without a parachute.

But... perhaps... with one?

RK out.