Who came back from the Caribbean?

. 1 min read

I arrived back home late Saturday evening, my internal clock still in Dominican Republic time, a complete stranger in my own house.

I saw the things around me - my things, or the things of the person who left for the trip a week earlier - yet they looked different.

Or rather, the things looked the same, but the person looking at them was different.

I had experienced this before. Earlier this year, in fact. Coming back from Zurich. Someone else came home from the trip. It was me, but somewhere during the tip, the "me" had evolved. Much like a Pokemon evolves from one stage to another.

I'm someone else now. Things look exciting, new, and different. The new me is more confident, more strategic, has higher self-esteem, and doesn't get stressed out by meaningless things.

She has switched to a new gear.

Updated her operating system.

If someone asked her now what she did, she'd talk about publishing, but feel no shame in talking about poetry as well.

Who is this new girl?

And most importantly, how do I maintain her?