Winter is coming, and my subconscious knows it

. 1 min read

I was listening to a smooth piano jazz ambiance video after a brisk walk in the cold outside when I realized that

autumn is turning into winter; I can almost feel it in my skin.

Weird choice of words, I think, but that's how it felt. It was as if, for a moment, I wasn't sure which month it was. It felt like December. The trees aren't as colorful now as they were a few weeks ago. The night seems darker.

And I love it.

I feel like my subconscious is priming my brain with these visual clues of autumn coming to an end (though it's hardly over the halfway mark) to get ready to get all the year's work done before November ends. I've been a little worried that I still haven't fully grasped the limited time I have left and that I've still been saving work for later. But now it seems like my worries were unjustified - that I can always count on my subconscious to keep score of how much time and work is left and push me adequately to get everything done.

Thank you, subconscious.

And thank you, smooth piano jazz ambiance video.