Women like to do irreversible things

I have this theory that people, especially women, like to do irreversible things spontaneously.

Like getting tattoos. They don't spend years considering it - they just go and get it right away, as if they got high on the prospect of doing something irreversible to themselves.

Perhaps they want to prove to the world that they're not these simple, passive, programmable beings that do what they're told and nothing else. That they do have the power to do whatever they want, even if it's something as small as getting a tattoo.

Although perhaps getting a tattoo isn't that small of a thing, since it's both destructive and irreversible. (Getting it laser removed doesn't erase the fact that you did get a tattoo once.)

I don't have any tattoos, and I've never felt like a passive, programmable being who only does what she's told to do. But I do find myself using this tendency to my benefit at times.

Like today, when I contacted my old high school to announce that I wanted to add some subjects to my matriculation examination (exit exams in the US).

You see, once you register for the exam, you can't take it back. It's irreversible.

So now that I've declared my intents, I have no choice but to study hard and ace that exam.

No choice!

And I happen to know that I'm the kind of person who can't go back on her word, even if she wanted to.

Applied psychology for the win!

RK out (to study physics).