Door No. 14 *WIP Advent Calendar 2023*

. 2 min read

Hello! I wish you a merry December 14th! Oh, how the time flies when you're having fun. And what could be more fun than opening the doors of an online Advent calendar?

Today's door reveals...

RK's Ultimate Monster Salad recipe!

I already gave a teaser about this recipe over a year ago when I first shared my Ultimate Monster Sandwich recipe. Now, it's time to share it. Note that you can customize this recipe as you like.


  • 1/2 cup penne-shaped pasta of choice (I prefer red lentil pasta)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1 chicken breast, or a can of tuna, or both
  • 2 handfuls of leafy greens, like spinach or arugula
  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise of choice (homemade with macadamia oil is best)
  • 1/2 cup peas
  • olives, to taste (at least 7)
  • cocktail onions, to taste (at least 7, preferably 27)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sun-dried tomatoes
  • olive oil, to taste


  1. Cook the pasta according to the manufacturer's instructions and soft-boil the eggs. Rinse the pasta and cool the eggs in cold water afterwards.*
  2. Cook the bacon on a pan until crisp. Use the leftover fat to cook the chicken breast. (Use a lid to guard yourself from the exploding grease.) Chop the bacon into small pieces and slice the chicken.
  3. Mix the leafy greens, the pasta, the chicken, the optional tuna, the mayo, the peas, the olives, the onions, and the tomatoes in a bowl.
  4. Slice the cooled eggs into wedges and mix them into the salad. (It's okay if they break.)  
  5. Plate the salad and add the chopped bacon and olive oil on top.
  6. Enjoy!

*Crack the shells against a flat surface before placing the eggs in cold water. This makes peeling them a LOT easier.

To be honest, this salad is my idea of a cheat meal. It sounds like a healthy meal full of protein and fat, but in reality, it tastes too good to think that way. (Maybe it's the lentil pasta and the greens in general. I'm not sure they're good for my health.)