Last day of fall

. 1 min read

You know my list of things that I should have seen coming? Like meat healing, and hunger going away with monotonous meals?

Well, one thing that does not go to that list is me reaching every fall goal I set for myself. I saw this coming a mile away. For years now, it's been as obvious as breathing to me that I suck at making promises I can't keep.

Straightening the double negative in the previous sentence: I always reach my goals. Always. Every single time.

I wrote a WIP article every day for two months. Check.
I exercised every day. Check.
I quit eating sugar for two months. Check.
I quit drinking alcohol for November. Check.
I only ate eggs, meat, fish, and butter since Nov 11th. Check.
I published four books in this month. Check.
And, as of a few minutes ago, I finished a novel draft. Check.

I've definitely earned Angels from the Realms of Glory at midnight.

Happy Christmastime!