Lego sets I've bought this year, 2024 edition

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I'm a big LEGO fan. After all, I've written about this hobby of mine several times before. I've made some progress, though: if in 2021 and 2022 I only bought Lego sets as a Christmas holiday activity for myself, in 2023, I extended the habit throughout the year.

This year has been no exception: I started in the winter and have been buying sets at irregular intervals ever since.

Remember my Diagon Alley / Gringotts dilemma last November? I was torn between the two sets, I wanted one of them for the holidays, yet couldn't decide anything else except that I would buy whichever would be on sale on Black Friday, and then neither of them were, so I didn't buy either one. Well, guess what? In January, I rectified this fatal mistake by ordering both of them. Both of them! I've been saving Diagon Alley for December, so that one's still in its box, and Gringotts is almost in the bank - I mean, it's almost done, I have three steps to go.

Then, last spring, my husband and I were casually strolling in the Lego section of a department store when I saw the Natural History Museum set. I would've been content just staring at it for the rest of the day, but he picked it up and started walking towards the checkout. I'll be building this one throughout the fall, once I finish Gringotts.

Later, I also brought home an Indiana Jones set - the scene from the first movie where Alfred Molina gets killed quite grotesquely.

And finally, there's the Kingfisher Bird set. A tad smaller, and so cool.

Now that I look at the list, it's not that much. But the three first ones are a bit bigger than the others, so it all evens out nicely in the end.

Sooner or later, I'm going to need a room in my home just for my Lego builds. (Perhaps a basement, like in The Lego Movie?)

RK out.