Random Thursday Observations

. 1 min read

Happy Thursday.

Someone is speaking very loudly (into a telephone, I assume) somewhere down the corridor outside my office.

My stomach hurts from yesterday's everything goes day (read: meal*).

Life feels a little less exciting than yesterday.**

I look so old and dusty in this turtleneck.

A new work project has been surprisingly frustrating from the start.

Men have a need to be both animals (urge to procreate) and gods (take some of that biological urge and focus it on a grand endeavor); women are born with everything given to them (ability to procreate and ability attract a man to help with that) and have no need to focus on grand endeavors.

The loudly speaking person is starting to irritate me, as well as these tight pants.

I thought wearing a cool all-black outfit would boost my confidence today; I was wrong.

I have two big work tasks on my agenda today, and I'm terrified of one of them.

Coffee (and soundproofing my office door) might solve all of this. (My neck has healed already.)


*In 1.5 hours, I ate an extra cheesy pizza, a cream filled pastry, some chips and dip, and an ice cream sundae.

**I blame the dairy I had yesterday.

Plan: 1. Change into more comfortable clothes. 2. Have some eggs to sooth the gut. 3. Brew a large cup of coffee. 4. Shut the door tight and listen to music with earbuds. 5. Do the work.