I might be bipolar.
One day, life could be seriously good, and the next, I'm exhausted of living itself.
It's a problem. Or rather, an obstacle. I refuse to be the victim of something I can't control.
I choose to be the resolver, the active agent that solves issues and finds the best way. But to sit home and think about it is not the best way to find the best way.
The best way to find the best way is to try all the different ways and see which takes you furthest.
Trial and error.
As long as you try to solve the issue and never give up or fall to the trap of trying to figure it out by thinking, you're on the right way.
Start with a gut feeling: what feels like the problem? Working too little? Working too much? Spending too much time at home, or at the office? Eating poorly? Sitting on your butt all day?
Then there's the Mufasa of all problems: thinking too much.
Napoleon Hill said it's the key to riches. But if you're anxious, or neurotic, or worse, both, thinking won't do you any good.
Here's what Jordan Peterson advises you to do:
- Wake up at the same time every day, preferably in the morning.
- Eat a large breakfast of fat and protein, even if you're not hungry.
- Do weight training.
Then you can add individual things that apply specifically to you, like
- Leave the house before 10 pm and don't come back until 6 pm.
- Eat at least 4 eggs every day.
- Get fresh air every day.
- Don't watch videos / movies / TV shows.
- Channel your energy into something worthwhile. It's best to have both personal projects and projects that you do for someone else.
Then you could also consider therapy. I haven't seen a psychologist since I was a teen. Now might be a good time to pick it up again.
Before the dragon creeps up behind and bites all of us in the ass.
Photo by Henry Ravenscroft on Unsplash