Winter, literally

. 1 min read

Since I've been structuring every month as if it were a year all year this year, I have a week of winter in the beginning of each month. Today marks the start of the last mini-winter I have this year. Of course, the real winter will start in the beginning of December.

...except that when I look outside, there's snow. More than 1/16'' now. So much in fact that I bet I could make several snowballs and throw them around at random people.

The problem is that I'm not ready for winter yet. I want to enjoy the fall and the colors for a while more. All this white is just disturbing. (That's what she said.)

I've been told that this snow doesn't last, though. Apparently it'll be 45 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday. So maybe this is just a taste of what's to come. (That's also what she said.)

(I obviously can't wait to watch The Office again.)

Anyway, since this week is technically winter, I'm allowed to take it a little easier with work. But it's also only a little over four weeks until my Christmas holiday starts, and I think I should worry less about structure details of the mini-year and more about making sure I'm taking the ring to Mordor.

Here's my plan to make sure that happens:

  1. Five more books to publish.
  2. Two more novel manuscripts to finish.
  3. I'm already eating mainly eggs, coconut fudge, and mackarel. (It's delicious, though. Maybe I should cut out the mackarel.)
  4. No more alcohol after tomorrow.
  5. Other stuff. For busyness.


P.S. I finally bought an advent calendar. A tea one. That has bags of Christmas favored tea. Tea. Not chocolate, not even coffee, but tea.

The shift is real.